Thursday, November 13, 2008

Check out this suuupppeeerrr duuuppppeeeerrrr cute kit at sunshine scrap studio. I want to win this little guy here goes the story:

I love this little kit and considered buying it, but when my hubby gets the bank statement....your all going to hear it from where I'm at....hehe. Soooo, let me describe it here and I'll ask around on how to start my own blog site...... I live in the country (rural)....and we get those little critters like crazy. And the one's in the house, though pesky little things are cute and it bugs me like crazy to have to "get rid" of them. Soooo, my Mom and I (my digi scrapp culprit) were discussing how this kit would serve well for me to "document" the menacing battle I've had with these cute yet frustrating rodents. Of course you can never catch one on camera....but you can catch the "essence" of their presence and the laborous time consuming pain of digging out all the can goods in the pantry and cleaning each top with Clorox anywhere spray and bleaching down the pantry......only to do it all over the next time farmer "Steve" decides to disk and rile them up!!!! Long story I could EVER do that..... We decided how fun it would be to "scrap" it into a cute situation rather than what it really is!!!! Hehe...... Hope I win......... My Hubby would be sooooo very thrilled about that one too!!!! (a free kit he didn't have to buy) haha. Oh, P.S. thankfully the neighbor has now nearly 100 inbred cats that have cut the "problem" by quite a bit.....but NOW there's a whole new story.........ShabbyT

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a cute blog. I loved your silly story about the mice at Sun. I think mice are cute too. :) Glad you made a blog.