Well today I'm not going to talk about scrapping, digi scrappin', rather, some total frustration (s) I am dealing with right now. And the fact that I need to change my name to "poop magnet" or "hey just poop on me" or maybe.......grrrr, I think you get the picture!!!! Some time ago, I ordered from a digital scrapbook site some scrapbooks for "hybrid" projects. It has been over 1 month and I've been told that they have sent out (3), YES three packages and I haven't received one!!! Then I was told a week ago I would get a refund.....still waiting!! If I don't get a result soon, I will be posting and singing like a canary as to warn all of you!!! I am very dissapointed!! Then I ordered a video game on ebay...nearly a month ago, still no arrival. I had a feeling this was going to happen since I wrote and asked the guy if he offered insurance, as I ALWAYS insure my packages and the ONE that I don't because it's not offered, doesn't arrive.......coincidence or.............. I am TICKED!!! Soooo, now I have to hound the post office and see what is going on!!!! Of the THOUSANDS of dollars of merchandise I've ordered by mail, these two I don't receive. That is quite odd!!! So I've had a "time" of it lately. The IRS lost our 2007 tax return and now we've lost our stimulus package.....grrrrr....really can all this really happen to one person in a matter of a month!!!!! They received the other contents of the packet but not 2007's return......I get certified threatening letters because of one of my overlooks, but all I get is an "oooops" and a bill for $5.80 to send another to them. So this time, I not only sent the return with a "nice" letter, but also a picture of all the contents stapled to the envelope so if misplaced again, they know what WAS in there and WHAT to look for!!! GRRRRRRRR......this month sure has been a doooooozzzzyyyyy!!!!!! So between the doctor episode last week, this stuff, and then getting yelled at by the shoe dept at Wal-mart when asking for 2 shoe boxes for the "shoe box" gifts for the Samaritan's Purse shoe box gift drive. The supervisor yelled at me that he "held" a whole bunch already and "I" didn't show up to get them so he crushed them. So I had to bite my tongue and tell him that MANY Churches are doing this and that it was not "I" or my "organization" that contacted him and please not be so harsh with me..Oh how hard it was to be nice!!!!...........oh man have my prayers for patience and "brotherly love" been put to the ULTIMATE test!!!!!! I'm ready for a bout of depression to set in for a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VACA.......haha....{a very sarcastic HAHA!!}
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I am such a DORK!!!!!!
I hadn't realized that you all were leaving me comments!!! I don't know how to do all of this nor have I figured out how to "investigate" it all......soooo, I'm not rude....hehe.....just a little ditzy here!!! Thanks you all!!!! ~ShabbyT
OOOOOh another "yummy" kit.........

Here is another "yummy" kit at Sunshine Scrap Studios. I love this little kit and can see scrapping my Thanksgiving photos, but there are sooooo many other possibilities..... just plain 'ol Fall fun pics would serve well for use with this kit!!!!! Super nice!! If you like it, go and pick it up at the link below!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Oh MY........
Well, haven't done much in the way of "constructive'ness'" today...haha.... My son got home today from Scicon....{science camp}.... He came back hoarse and we haven't figured out if it's sicky sicky or "the change"....so we shall see..... He's 11 but his father is a freak of nature and his voice changed wwwwaaaayyyyy early....along with other "pubessence" wonders!!!! I keep buying and searching for digi scrap products but haven't done much in the way of using them. I guess I just like spending the money and darn paypal has made it sooooooo very easy for me to drain the checking account ever soooo easily!!!! My spelling is off....it's 2:30 a.m. and I'm still up! Oriental Trading Co. is having one of their "buy now pay later" deals so I've been rummaging through their site allllllll evening inbetween cleaning the kitchen...{disaster!!} and all. I found some really cute crafty things to buy for the Church when it's my night to teach the kiddies!! Whewww, I'm tired!! Haven't been faring well as of late with my health....and then it really drug me down dealing with "baby daddy" issued today with my lovely, beautiful, yet HORMONAL teenager!!! Super Duper Fun!!!!
ok, hopefully I'll get some scrappin' done and post it or find some really cool deals and post those as well. I am super excited to see what mission 4 is going to hold on Sunshine Scrap Studios!!! EEEEEEE the excitement. I've been very impressed with the kits and designers, picking up just about every one!!! I have to be very selective with my choices now because I'm almost out of room on my hard drive and have to wait to get and external one..........to fill up.......hehehehe!!!
God Bless!!!!!!!!
ok, hopefully I'll get some scrappin' done and post it or find some really cool deals and post those as well. I am super excited to see what mission 4 is going to hold on Sunshine Scrap Studios!!! EEEEEEE the excitement. I've been very impressed with the kits and designers, picking up just about every one!!! I have to be very selective with my choices now because I'm almost out of room on my hard drive and have to wait to get and external one..........to fill up.......hehehehe!!!
God Bless!!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is a little late but this AWESOME kit is only $1 today at Funky Playground designs......
There is the http address for this kit.
Now for today.......awful.........I had my Doctors Wife and Daughter both tag team yelling at me over a prescription that they said "He couldn't possibly have written" in which he did. When I proved them wrong by getting the pharmacy involved......it didn't lighten them up any. So I was crying and a mess.....I called my insurance company and told them I want a new doctor and the representative was able to hear them yelling at me on the other phone. So, she filed a complaint, gave me the necessary information to file one myself and I also need to get ahold of the "broker" from my husband's work for him to file another. This isn't the first time they have been rude to me and I have witnessed everytime being there them doing it to others...... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! So I'm taking care of it. TTFN......... I have lots of stuff to do and look for the "deals" that can get me in trouble today!!!!! ~ShabbyT
I am such a "newbie"
Ok, I uploaded that picture of the kit....didn't know what it was going to look like, wanted to change it......and grrrrrr can't figure it out......sooooooo until I learn a few more tricks....be patient with me...all you who MIGHT just visit my blog.......haha...............ShabbyT

I love this little kit and considered buying it, but when my hubby gets the bank statement....your all going to hear it from where I'm at....hehe. Soooo, let me describe it here and I'll ask around on how to start my own blog site...... I live in the country (rural)....and we get those little critters like crazy. And the one's in the house, though pesky little things are cute and it bugs me like crazy to have to "get rid" of them. Soooo, my Mom and I (my digi scrapp culprit) were discussing how this kit would serve well for me to "document" the menacing battle I've had with these cute yet frustrating rodents. Of course you can never catch one on camera....but you can catch the "essence" of their presence and the laborous time consuming pain of digging out all the can goods in the pantry and cleaning each top with Clorox anywhere spray and bleaching down the pantry......only to do it all over the next time farmer "Steve" decides to disk and rile them up!!!! Long story short....LOL.....like I could EVER do that..... We decided how fun it would be to "scrap" it into a cute situation rather than what it really is!!!! Hehe...... Hope I win......... My Hubby would be sooooo very thrilled about that one too!!!! (a free kit he didn't have to buy) haha. Oh, P.S. thankfully the neighbor has now nearly 100 inbred cats that have cut the "problem" by quite a bit.....but NOW there's a whole new story.........ShabbyT
Oh Wow.......
Well, this turned out to be easier than I thought or toooooo good to be true....so let's just see!!! Welcome to my blog....I'm ShabbyT.....or Terra..... okie dokie....gonna go check out what I can do to spice this all up....and all......I'll be adding more later!!! God Bless........ShabbyT
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